Dan Bracha
Pilot and inspiring lecturer


English, Hebrew
Dan, nicknamed "The Shark" - an F-16 fighter pilot, with 4,300 sorties covering peacekeeping missions, combat operations and training flights.
Chosen as the outstanding flight instructor of the Air Force.
Twice won the prize for the outstanding computing in Israel and an expert in international trade.
A bachelor's degree in economics with honors and an MBA degree in global management and marketing from the prestigious partnership WHARTON-INSEAD-YORK-TLV.
Dan makes sure to incorporate current movies and humor in his lectures, attentive and engaging with the audience.
The Fighter Pilot - The Whole World
An immersive lecture seasoned with personal stories and films.
The fighter plane from the day of its birth in the First World War until today.
What is the fighter plane used for?
Airplanes in the modern era.
The Israeli Air Force today - missions and challenges.
What does the future hold?
The Global Economic Battle and China's Expected Victory
China's meteoric rise is already leaving the West behind.
China is the largest exporter in the world and Western companies already manufacture in China.
We will present the history, the situation and where we are going.
The global car industry is trembling with fear. Have you already bought a Chinese electric car?
Nuclear Weapons In The World - Should We Be Afraid?
The question of whether there is a real fear of nuclear weapons is not only technical-operational but also moral and strategic, with an emphasis on long-term consequences for humanity.
Exposing concepts such as the types of weapons, strengths, quantities, the concepts of activation of the powers, "horror balance", "deterrence", "second strike", "Samson's choice" and even for calming.
Where is Israel in the matter? (according to foreign publications).