Orna Klein
Author, and Former Mossad Agent


English, Hebrew
I was born in Beit Yannai, a small village on the beach in Israel. At the age 0f 21 I started my carrier as a "Mossad" agent. 26 years as a young girl, a wife and a mother. I became a woman of secrets, friends and family who never knew, learned to live alone, spent hours on planes and travel, never really being me. I had 2 amazing daughters, continued with my work, but, was not a great mother by definition, leaving overseas with and without my family.
26 years that people dream of, but for me, my regular life. An agent, a teacher of agents.
"The woman in the shadow's"
The story of my life as a "Mossad" agent for 26 years. Who are they, the people behind the shadows? What is needed to become one? Stories behind the scenes. Women agents, are they any good, and why?
"27th of June 1951"
A book which is the date of birth of my eldest sister. She became the inspiration of my second book, although it's not about her. She is one of thousands of babies and children who disappeared in the 1950's in Israel. It is known to be the story of the Yemenites, although my family came from South Africa.
In my lecture I talk of my own story, the fight to bring closer to all the families. Stories that prove that a crime was committed and hidden by the state.
The kidnaped children in Israel of the 1950's
Ilana, my eldest sister was kidnaped, only 2 days old, from the hospital she was born at. My parents were new comers from South Africa. Thousands of babies and children had disappeared in those years. After I wrote my book "27th of June 1951", which is Ilana's date of birth, I understood why it was written. The time was right to get answers, why and where did the children disappear to? Why it has become the biggest secret of the Israeli state? How can Israel acknowledge the biggest crime that was done after the holocaust? I searched and found proof which I would love to share with you.