Avi Zelba, PhD.
English, Hebrew
B.A. and M.A. from the Hebrew University, Ph.D. from Nitra University.
Police service: Chief Superintendent in command functions, leadership training programs and community service programs. My career included:
1. Head of the patrol unit,
2. Deputy station commander,
3. Community relations, including consulting to the film industry and writers about the police,
4. International relationships with police forces around the world,
5. Commander of the education unit,
6. Spokesperson for the greater Jerusalem area and national headquarters,
7. Lecturer about body language and criminology for police officers.
Since 2012 I have lectured in Israel and around the world about many aspects of criminology to a wide variety of audiences.
Understanding (serial) killers
What makes them tick? In this lecture I address questions such as what are the reasons that people become (serial) killers and how representative are they of social developments in the world? This is one of my areas of expertise. Lectures about serial killers, female serial killers, child serial killers and families
of serial killers.
The criminal within me
How close are we to becoming criminals, at least in our imagination? I provide a host of different examples from our daily lives and discuss with the audience the various aspects of criminality.
The Israeli police force and police forces around the world
What makes police forces special and how do they differ between countries in the world. I use a variety of examples from my visits to police forces around the world.