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‘The Good Transformer’ - Digital and Cyber Realities in the 21st Century

The world we live in is changing at an unimaginable pace. While we try to grasp technology advancements, we must acknowledge the realities of this new domain – an operational space where civilians are in the frontline of cyber warfare. With his decades of strategic and operational experience, Brig.
General (Res.) Yaron Rosen provides a unique angle to our 21st-century journey of adaptation and provides insights and valuable advice to cope with our daily challenges.

‘The Industrial Age of Cyber Warfare – Cyber Transforming into Effective Action’

The cyber domain is in a unique arms race. The exponential development of the digital landscape is creating an extreme challenge for governments on a global scale. With his vast experience in operations and national- level decision- making, Brig. General (Res.) Yaron Rosen tells the story of how this unique domain is developing, insights to the most exciting events, and some precious advice to strengthen personal and homeland security in the 21st century.

‘From Cockpit to Board Room – A Journey from Serving to Business’

After serving his country for over three decades, Brig. General (Res.) Yaron Rosen retired and took the giant leap into the startup scene, with the idea of transforming how governments innovate and acquire cyber capacities. Being an entrepreneur in Israel’s Air Force provided a solid starting point for private-sector entrepreneurship, but was an expedition of countless mistakes, great challenges, and amusing learning. The lessons from this remarkable voyage are relevant for every person seeking to thrive and accomplish.

Brigadier General (Res.) Yaron Rosen

Former Chief of IDF Cyber Staff

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English, Hebrew

General Rosen served as an Air Force pilot, recently completing over 32 years of distinguished service in the Israel Defense Forces. In his last appointment as Chief of IDF Cyber Staff, General Rosen acted as the chief architect of all cyber activities, operational alignment, force buildup, and human resource development. In his last position in the Air Force, General Rosen served as the lead General Officer in charge of all Air Force Joint Operations, as well as the Air Force’s Senior Helicopter Pilot.
General Rosen is Co-founder & President of Toka Ltd., which enables governments & agencies with groundbreaking cyber intelligence and operational capabilities.

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