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Nachman Gershonovitz

A Realistic Thriller Artist

Location Mark



English, Hebrew, Yiddish

Nachman Gershonovitz - Interdisciplinary researcher, author, and screenwriter. A Realistic Thriller artist who combines wild imagination with science and calculated logic. Writes mainly thrillers in the genre of espionage, crime, and mystery. (And Humor/Comedy too, but let's not talk about this here...) Delivers lectures and workshops on creativity, memory, and mental flexibility. Practices martial arts and performs action scenes choreography for the screen.

Between The Lines

Stories and anecdotes from the remote corners of the spy world. The strangest stories, which show wisdom, stupidity, bad luck, irony, and also too much sophistication. Funny, ridiculous, admirable content, and most of all Illuminates in a fascinating light the dark spots of the spy world.

How to think like a spy

How to solve problems, how to think outside the box.
How to analyze an image. How to remember in great detail the figure of a person you saw for 30 seconds in an elevator. In this lecture/workshop, you will get the tools to start examining and analyzing the environment like a spy.

How to write a spy thriller

If you have always dreamed of bringing to the reader or viewer the spy saga that rages in your mind,
Or invent the next James Bond. This is the lecture/workshop for you. We will learn how to invent more credible or fascinating spy characters. We will understand how to create a sufficiently complex, sophisticated antagonist. Find, and invent, almost unsolvable problems. And we will also learn how to invent original gadgets based on existing science. Let's go wild.

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