"Land For Peace", A Century of Failure
A fascinating review of the Middle-East Diplomatic and political milestones, from time immemorial to present. Israel's gains, losses and hopes.
Israel and the Jewish Communities. Passing on the Baton
From a USY counselor, to adviser to the Prime Minister. A fresh perspective, can Israel and American Jewry, still win? A personal story goes National.
Tectonic changes in the Middle East, how can Israel survive?
From the debris in Syria, to the Iranian Nuclear Program, and the Sunni axis. What should Israel do?
Raanan (Rani) Levy
Former adviser to Prime-Minister on World Jewish & World Christian Affairs
English, Hebrew
For over 25 years Rani Levy has been in the front lines of teaching and arguing Israel's case. Having served as an Adviser to Prime-Minister Ariel Sharon on World Jewish & World Christian Affairs, Levy is a seasoned speaker amongst Jewish and other Pro-Israel groups in the USA and Europe. Being the Author of
"Land For Peace - A Century of Failure" as well as, numerous other articles and essays about the Middle East "Peace Process" and Israel's social, Economic and Strategic future, Levy brings a fresh and current perspective on Israel's diverse challenges and struggles.
(Ask us about "Israel Workshop": 2 or 3 meetings of 2-3 hours each over 2 or 3 consecutive days).