Shalva Hessel
Lecturer, entrepreneur, writer


English, Hebrew
Shalva Hessel was born and raised in Israel. She is a software engineer by training and has managed information systems for companies around the world. When her husband Yoram, who served in a senior role in the Mossad, was deployed on secret missions, she joined him as part of his cover.
To that end, she underwent continuous comprehensive operational training.
“Married to the Mossad” tells her incredible true story drawing from events she has experienced, operations she took part in, and her life in general.
Since its publication, it has enjoyed massive popular success taking it to the Israel & USA bestseller list.
The mysterious world behind "Married to the Mossad"
The true story drawing from events she has experienced, operations she took part in, and her life in general.
"Married to the Mossad" - Love, temptation, risk, money, and assassinations.