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Moshe Cahlun
Former Senior Officer in the Israel Police
English, Hebrew
The Work of the Israel Police Abroad
Security Coordination between the Israel Police and the Palestinian Police
The History and Structure of Hamas
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Prof. Gideon Greif
Professor of the history of the Holocaust
German, English, Hebrew
German Jews 1933 - 1943: The first to the Holocaust
Auschwitz - a factory for death and its workers, the members of the "Sonderkommando"
The Israeli music of the 1960s
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Michael Koubi
A former senior official in the Israeli Security Service
English, Hebrew
October 7 war - Gaza
A close look at the terrorist organization Hamas and its people
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Zvi Yehezkeli
Head of the Arab desk at Israeli News 13
English, Arabic, Hebrew
Allah Islam
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Liran Segal
The Street Cat
English, Hebrew
"Women Act"
The business adversary perspective and its capabilities
"UNDERCOVER" - The story of my covert life
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Lior Suchard
Master Mentalist
English, Hebrew
Lior Suchard - live show
NEW! - Lior Suchard - live online
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Zohar Navot
English, Hebrew
Personalized Medicine
Creativity and Entrepreneurship Brain to the Max
Task Oriented Collaborations And the experience of reaching a successful negotiation towards peace
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Yaakov Peri
Former head of the Israeli Security Agency
English, Arabic, Hebrew
Israel and neighboring countries
Transformational Leadership
Music as a leadership
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Yola Reitman
Former Mossad agent, Operation Brothers
English, Hebrew
"Operation Brothers"
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Naomi Denish
Former Criminal Detective, USA
'My 9mm Days'
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Robert Baer
Former CIA case officer, author
The Mystery of the Death of Hitler and post WWII Nazis
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Alon Ben David
Israeli television and print journalist
English, Hebrew
"Israel's Hitlist"
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Gideon Harari, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret)
Intelligence Division of the IDF
English, Hebrew
Spies in the Dark, an overview of recruiting and operating spies
Neighbors and Distant Ones, Israel-Lebanon Relations
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Danny Limor
The real Mossad ‘Red Sea Diving Resort’ agent
English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Hebrew
“Red Sea Diving Resort”
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Ziv Koren
Professional Photojournalist
English, Hebrew
Covid-19 in Israel – the new frontline
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Itai Hermann
Live trivia games
English, Hebrew
Live trivia game
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Susan Polgar
Winner of 4 Women’s World Championships
English, Hungarian
Susan Polgar Chess Secrets - How to Think Like a Grandmaster
The life story of the world chess champion
My grandma was a Holocaust survivor
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Prof. Uzi Arad
Strategist, former head of the Israeli National Security Council
English, Hebrew
Strategic Decision-Making
Leadership & Management
Grand Strategy
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Uri Geller
English, Hebrew
Uri Geller Motivational Lectures
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Gadi Kfir
Lecturer and author
English, Hebrew
"Work Does Not Set You Free"
"Zionism and Board Games 1900-1948"
"The Roots of the Israeli Hi-Tech Industries and Updating Them"
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Bar Reuven
CEO and Co-Founder, the Cat Association – Elite Unit 669 Alumni
English, Hebrew
669 unit
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Anat Hochberg-Marom, PhD.
Geopolitical analyst, researcher, consultant and professional speaker
English, Hebrew
The “Secret Sauce” of the Chinese’s Global Success
Digital terrorism, social media, and what is between?
Iranian cyber and “playing cards” common domain
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Shahar (Sean) Or
International Security Expert
English, Hebrew
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Gilad Katz
Former Advisor to Prime Minister Binyamin
English, Hebrew
Benjamin Netanyahu: Political and Diplomatc Doctrine
So, what’s the story with Israel’s Public Diplomacy?
Jewish American or American Jews?
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Ken Brier
A retired Army colonel and combat veteran
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Avner Avraham
Former Mossad officer
English, Hebrew
Operation Finale: the capture of Adolf Eichmann (Argentina, 1960)
Operation Entebbe: successful counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission (1976)
Operation Moses: Rescue and smuggling of Ethiopian Jews to Israel
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Mishel Bineth Dagan
The daughter of the Mossad agent Meir Max Bineth
English, Hebrew
Meir Max Bineth - Mossad agent in Cairo
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Itai Vered
Documentary journalist
English, Hebrew
Live from Thahrir Square
Tsunami – 14 days of rescue in the heart of the Mediterranean
The art of Documentary Journalism
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Tsahi Halevi
Musician, singer, creator & actor
English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, French, Hebrew
My journey story
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Abraham Cohen
The brother of Israeli spy legend Eli Cohen
English, Hebrew
The story of Israeli spy Eli Cohen, as told by his younger brother
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Shalva Hessel
Lecturer, entrepreneur, writer
English, Hebrew
The mysterious world behind "Married to the Mossad"
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Prof. Uzi Rabi
Director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies
English, Arabic, Hebrew
Israel and the Middle East 2020: What lies ahead
Iran and Israel – Dynamics of a Shadow War
The Resilience of the cold peace between Israel and Egypt
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Colonel (ret) Zeev Raz
leader pilot - 'Operation Opera'
English, Hebrew
'Operation Opera' - the destruction of the Iraqi nuclear reactor (1981)
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Yarin Kimor
TV Documentary director, creative thinking expert , and Author
English, Hebrew
"Nakam" – The Jewish Avengers
"Making the Impossible, Possible"
"The woman who knew too much"
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Mishka Ben-David
Former Mossad Senior and Author
English, Hebrew
Between Reality and Fiction:
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Inge Solheim
English, Norsk
To be one of the world’s leading adventure guides
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David Nissan
Middle-East and Iran Analyst and Speaker
English, Hebrew, Persian
Inside the Mind of Iran’s Leader
Israel, Iran and the Middle East - An Unconventional Perspective
Behind the Veil - A Virtual Tour of Iran
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Rami Sherman
Commando officer
English, Hebrew
Operation Entebbe – behind the scenes
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B.G. (Res.) Gal Hirsch
Commando, Special Forces and Homeland Security
English, Hebrew
Commando and Special Forces
Homeland Security Challenges
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Gad Shimron
Journalist, author, and former Mossad agent
English, German, Hebrew
Mossad & Myth
Zionist "James Bond"
The death of a Nazi - Cukurs
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Shai Bazak
Advisor to politicians and directors
English, Hebrew
Politics- between The United States and Israel
Diplomacy and international relations
The secrets of a right speech and an impressive public appearance
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Giora Eiland
Former head of the Israeli National Security Council
English, Hebrew
The transformation in the nature of wars
The strategic situation in the Middle-East
Cyber warfare
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Raffi Berg
Journalist and author of 'Red Sea Spies': The True Story of the Mossad's Fake Diving Resort
Red Sea Spies – The True Story of Mossad's Fake Diving Resort
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Dr. Ephraim Lapid
Dr. Brig. General (Res.)
English, Hebrew
Israel – National Security
Israeli society
Lithuanian community during the Holocaust
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Rotem Pilosof
Israel’s special forces K9 Unit
English, Hebrew
Israel’s special forces K9 Unit
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Dr. Doron Lurie
Art forgery world expert
English, Hebrew
The Art of Forgery & Restoration
Art Authenticity
FAKE? (curator of the exhibit)
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Jeff Lanza
Former FBI Special Agent
Cybercrime Prevention
How to Stop Ransomware
The World Beyond Words
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Itai Anghel
Correspondent and Documentary filmmaker
English, Hebrew
The world after the Islamic State (ISIS) – The Shia challenge
The unexpected war correspondent - A personal lecture
The Kurds – Reshaping the Middle East
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Julio Pitlik
Trainer and Magician, 45 years of magical training
English, Spanish, Hebrew
Magic and Intelligence - a wonderful partnership
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Ron Agam
Artist, Photographer
English, France, Hebrew
September 11 photography
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Keren Elazari
Security analyst, researcher & author
English, Hebrew
"Cyber Security in Times of Crisis"
"The Age of Cyber Warfare"
"Tap Into The Hacker Mindset"
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Lt. Col. (ret.) Aviram Halevi
The Israeli Intelligence community
English, Hebrew
The elite unit - 'Sayeret Matkal'
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Prof. Dana Arieli
History professor & photographer
English, Hebrew
The Phantoms Project: On Dark Tourism and Memory Culture
Hitler Now: Contemporary Israeli Art/Nazi Symbols
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Dr. Shoshi Reiter
Personal and Organizational Creative Leadership
English, Hebrew
Yes, I can! … Creativity, Critical thinking and all in between
Flourish or Perish – The 5E Model for Growth and Well-being
Entrepreneurial Holocaust survivors' and the Start-up nation– what do they know and we can learn?
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Haim Shapira, PhD.
Mathematician, pianist, philosopher
English, Russian, Hebrew
Game Theory
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Greg Hill
Movie actor
Operation Finale - MGM film
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Daniel Gutelman
Operation Moses
English, French
Georges Gutelman, the man behind the secret transportation of the Ethiopian Jews for the “Operation Moses” ( Mivtzah Moshe )
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Prof. Enrico Mairov
International Crisis Management Specialist
English, Italiano, Hebrew
Global Medical Crisis Management
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Michal Divon
Journalist, TV Host and Emcee
English, Hebrew
Moderator for Spy Legent Agency event's & programs
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Matan Vilnai
Former Major General in the IDF
English, Hebrew
Operation Entebbe
China - From the point of view of the ambassador
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Prof. Shlomo Shpiro
Intelligence Studies
English, Hebrew
Intelligence & Technology concerning homeland security
German-Israeli Intelligence and Security Cooperation 1956-1992
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Viktoria Kanar
Lecturer, moderator & producer
English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Hebrew
Doing Israel Diplomacy With Fashion
The Wearable History of Israel
Circular City – the Smart City of Tomorrow
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Yoav Limor
Senior defense correspondent
English, Hebrew
The Israeli intelligence community
Israel Political Security 2020
Captives and Missing Persons
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Yossi Amrosi
Former senior agent at ISA (Israeli Security Agency - 'Shin Bet')
English, Arabic, Hebrew
A night in the life of a field agent
Negotiation - the world of intelligence versus the business world
Women in the world of terrorism around the world - who? Why? where?
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Dr. Eyal Pinko
Cyber, intelligence and military strategy expert
English, Hebrew
Maritime security
Intelligence operations
Geo-politics, cyber and intelligence
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Brigadier General (Res.) Yaron Rosen
Former Chief of IDF Cyber Staff
English, Hebrew
‘The Good Transformer’ - Digital and Cyber Realities in the 21st Century
‘The Industrial Age of Cyber Warfare – Cyber Transforming into Effective Action’
‘From Cockpit to Board Room – A Journey from Serving to Business’
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Alex Berger
Producer, creator, consultant and entrepreneur
English, French
The Bureau (TV series)
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Michael Wildes
an American immigration lawyer and politician
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Brig. Gen (Ret.) Avigdor Kahalani
Former Homeland Security Minister
English, Hebrew
Significant moments of my life in times of war
The smuggling of Yemeni Jews to Israel
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Dr. Ehud (Udi) Levi
Specializing in countering terror financing and fund tracing
English, Hebrew
The Financial infrastructure of Terror Organization
Economical warfare in the Modern age – Alternative to Conventional warfare?
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Eliezer Tsafrir
Former Mossad agent
English, Arabic, Hebrew
As the commander of the Mossad in Iran, this is how we fled to Israel
Israel and the Kurds - connections and experiences from the field
Israel and the connection with the Christians in Lebanon
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Damian Pachter
Israeli-Argentinian journalist
Hebrew, Spanish, English
Life story from Argentina to Israel and the current situation in the Middle East, Maccabi World Union
The peace agreements between Israel and the Arab world
the Israeli Palestinian conflict
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Elliott Gotkine
Polyglot journalist, Master of Ceremonies
English, Spanish
Israel and the Palestinians
Israel, the Arab world and the new peace agreements
What the election of Biden means for U.S.-Israeli relations
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Uki Goni
Historian, writer
English, Spanish
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Vered Feldman
Actress and a body language expert
Englishe, Hebrew
Body language in virtual era - online lecture
The ability to develop and even shine in a new medium is a strength, What will you get?
"The secrets of body language"- 4 hour workshop
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Oren Or Bittoun
Former IDF commander in an undercover counter-terrorism unit
English, Hebrew
"Powder Keg"
"Special Units"
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Majallie Whbee
English, Arabic, Hewbrew
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Dan Bracha
Pilot and inspiring lecturer
English, Hebrew
The Fighter Pilot - The Whole World
The Global Economic Battle and China's Expected Victory
Nuclear Weapons In The World - Should We Be Afraid?
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Brigadier – General (res.) Dr. Amnon Sofrin
English, Hebrew
Intelligence and Decision Making at Crisis situation
Intelligence and Decision – Making on Counter - Terrorism
Coping with Nuclear programs at Arab states in the Middle East
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Tzachi Topelberg
Air force pilot, lecturer
English, Hebrew
Brotherhood of wings: the joint exercises of the Israeli and American air forces
The power in the uncertainty
The secret of disappearing time
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Tal Rom
English, Hebrew
A strong and respected manager - How?
Leadership - My Superpower
My Personal Resilience
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Ilan Mor
Former Israeli Ambassador
English, German, Hebrew
Challenges in Israeli Foreign Policy
The Lessons of the Holocaust and Antisemitism Throughout History
Theodor Herzl as a Pivotal Zionist Leader
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Yoni Ben-Menachem
Former General Director and Chief Editor of The Israel broadcasting Authority (IBA)
English, Aravic, Hebrew
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Amy Herman
The Art of Perception
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Ivor Terret
Enablement Advisor
English, Hebrew
Protective Security for new ultra-high-net-worth persons and families
Increasing security efficiency whilst decreasing security footprint
Measuring ROI on security measures
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Dr. Martin Sherman, Ph.D.
Founder, and CEO of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies
English, Hebrew
Gaza: The Day After…
“Palestine”: What Sherlock Holmes would say
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Tracy Walder
Former CIA officer/Former FBI Special Agent. Adjunct professor of Criminal Justice and Global Terrorism.
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Maya Behar
Actress and Performance coach
English, Hebrew, France
Acting basics workshop for standing in front of an audience and a camera (frontal or zoom)
Improvisation workshop (frontal or zoom)
Team-building workshop using tools from the world of gaming (Frontal or Zoom)
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Ilan Evyatar
Author and journalist
English, Hebrew
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Brigadier General (ret.) Amir Avivi
Founder and CEO of IDSF (Israel's Defense and Security Forum